Wednesday, October 27, 2010

JC (10/25&10/27)- 5/3/1

Just to reiterate, my training maxes are:
Squat: 333
Bench: 310
Deadlift: 365
Military press: 210

Bench Day (10/25)-

Bench press-
265x10 (Theoretical max: 353)

Rack lockouts-
365- 4x5
From now on will just build up to one heavy set of 5, and then do a back down set.

Tricep extensions

Very straightfoward workout. Tried to keep nonsense at a minimum.

Squat Day- (10/27)
285x10 (Theoretical max: 380)
A couple of things- I have a video of the 285- I'd like for you guys to give me some critiques once I manage to upload it. Also, I've switched to low bar/parallel squats, which would be fine except my left shin would hurt as I squatted, even with light weight. I presume I may be pushing out my left knee too much (although it doesnt look like it), but maybe its something else. Perhaps with the video we can figure it out. Also felt I had at least 1 or 2 more reps in me, but I did not want to strain my left shin further.

More squat-
200 (60% of training max)- 2x10
The manual says 5x10, but its assistance anyways, so yeah.

Calve work


  1. I wouldn't neglect assistance work, it's part of the program for a reason. Without this, 531 has very little volume.

  2. Ok, ok. I really stopped short cuz of the whole shin thing... it still hurts.

  3. Maybe you're not squatting right? Have you heard of the cues "spreading your knees" or "unhinging your hips?" When you try to force a squat without doing that (like breaking with your knees first) you do what every guy in the gym does: half squats. If you try to go lower...bad things happen. You know what depth looks like, so I think you try to go lower. Its a different squat than the high bar.

  4. In general, I also agree that assistance is important, but if something's gotta go, I'd chop of assistance first. Make sure it's for a good reason though (homework, job, etc.) and not because you're just feeling lazy. In general, most workouts should be arranged with the most important stuff first and the less important stuff toward the end.

  5. @Aaron- yeah, I'm definitely doin somethin wrong with my new setup.
