Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Chris - 10/26


5/3/1, Wave A, Squat

I calculated my training maxes by taking 90% of 95% of my 1RM, so 85.5% of my last recorded 1RM. This puts my training maxes this cycle at very conservative numbers, so I'm going to call this a calibration cycle to see just how strong I am after my extended deload/fucking around.

TRAINING MAXES: .855 * [405, 195, 405] = [346.275, 166.725, 346.275]

Squat (belted):
Warmup: 45x5; 95x5; 135x4; 185x3
I was sorely tempted to make this 295x11 but I felt like I was doing leg thrusts to heavy GMs at this point. This puts me at a theoretical max of 393, which is pretty okay for not doing heavy squats for a while.

Squat (unbelted):
192x Damn, Wendler wasn't joking when he said this was boring. 0, because I switched to Olympic nonsense here.

Hang Snatch (weights in lbs):
55x10; 55x10; 55x10; 55x10; 55x10
Another day, another torn callus.

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