Sunday, October 31, 2010

Q- starting strength 2 (10-30-10)

45 x5
95 x5
135 x5
185 x3
210 x5 @7/8
210 x5 @8
210 x5 @8

45 x5
65 x5
95 x5
115 x3
135 x5 @8
135 x5 @8/9
135 x5 @9/10
Last set was not very good in form.

20kg x5
40kg x5
50kg x3
60kg x5 @8/9
60kg x5 @8/9
60kg x5 @9
Accidentally messed up on the very last rep.

Partied too much tonight. Legs are dead. Tomorrow is going to suck; I might just do only overhead presses.

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