Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Frank (10/12): Squat, Volume 3

Feeling a little creaky today.

Back Squat
5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 3x275, 3x315
3x365 @ 8
3x365 @ 8
3x365 @ 8
3x365 @ 9
3x365 @ 9
3x365 @ 9

Power(ish) Clean
2x70, 2x80
Eh. Power cleans after squats. I guess I should be happy that I can do them at all!

Oly Squat: 4x8 @ 245
Ab Rollout: 3x6


  1. Frank, I've seen you clean 100kilos before. Would you say you were just tired from squats, or are you still sick and your power is screwed?

  2. It's probably a combination of things, mainly being tired from squats and not having done cleans in a long time. I'm pretty much recovered from being sick (just a little excess phlegm), so I can't really use that excuse anymore.

    I used to always do the Oly lifts first during a workout because they rely more on speed and technique, both of which are fresher at the start of a training session. This is probably when you saw me power clean 100. Since I'm training primarily for powerlifting right now, I think I get a bigger benefit from just doing the main lifts. Power cleans are mainly "deadlift assistance." We'll see if it makes any difference at the end of this cycle.
