Sunday, October 24, 2010

Chris - 10/23

Olympic Nonsense

Snatch (hang and full)
55lbx5; 55lbx5; 75lbsx3; 88lbs x (a lot); 55lbs x (a lot)
Oh my hands. Probably around 30-35 reps total in this session.

Squat (belted):
45x5; 95x5; 135x4; 185x3; 225x2; 275x1; 315x1; 345x1

Paused Bench Press:
45x5; 70x5; 95x4; 120x3; 140x2; 150x1
160x5; 160x5; 160x5

+0x10; +25x8; +25x8; +25x8



  1. IMO, you should still try to make some sort of progress even though you're busy with schoolwork. There will always be something more important in your life than lifting, but that doesn't mean that you have to completely abandon lifting. Just choose a shorter program, such as, say 5/3/1 (I feel a little silly offering that suggestion since everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon...but it is a good program).

    If you're really strapped for time, you could always chop off the assistance work, which should reduce time in the gym to ~30-45 minutes.

  2. I think I still have a while to go on Texas Method, considering I was hitting 310x5x5 squat easy, which is why I was (and still am) hesitant to switch to 5/3/1. And I think I need more bench volume to clear out any lingering technique issues.

    And oly lifts are fun, but I think I'd need to switch to a dedicated routine to improve them beyond anything more than novice level.

    It's weird. And more and more nowadays I can only seem to train during late nights, which is an intensity killer on its own.
