Saturday, September 4, 2010


Here's the last couple sessions I didn't post:
High Bar Belted Squat: 300lbsx 5reps x3 sets
Thick Bar BB rows: 185lbs, 190lbs, 195lbs, 205lbs, 215lbs, x5reps minus 45lbs (Thick Bar weights nothing)
Thick Bar Rack holds/rack deads: 275lbs minus 45lbs x15s x3 sets
Hammer Curl: 30lbs x10reps, x15 reps
rotator cuff stuff and pinch grip
pinch gripped 3 and 4 5kg plates today

Overhead Press (pinkies on rings): 140lbs x5 reps x3 sets
Bench Press: 135lbs x8 reps, 155lbs x8 reps, 185lbs x6 reps
Strict Lateral Raises: 25lbs (in each hand) x8 reps x3 sets
Decline Sit-ups: 35lbs x12, 40lbs x12 reps x2 sets

Belted Deadlifts (dbl overhand): 370lbs x5 reps x3 sets (+5lbs PR)
Lunges: 95lbs x10reps, x8ish reps
Chins: +50lbs x5 reps, +55lbs x5 reps, +50lbs x5 reps
Plate pinches: 3 5kg plates, 4 5 kg plates +25lbs and bar x20s x3 reps
DB Rows: 55lbs x8 reps, 70lbs x8 reps x2 sets

And todays:

Bench Press (ring on rings, toes on ground): 205lbs x5 reps x3 sets (+5lbs PR)
Overhead Press: 105lbs x8 reps x3 sets (+5lbs PR)
Lateral Raises: 25lb DBs x8 reps x3 sets
Decline Sit-ups: 40lbs x12 reps x2 sets, 50lbs x12 reps
Rotator cuff stuff

If I write my usual comments I think this post will end up being too long, so I'll direct you to my log on another site where I've commented and posted some articles.

CONGRATS CHRIS!!!! It was nice to lift with you guys again.

1 comment:

  1. Nice training session(s). Glad to see you posting again.
