Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Chris - 8/17

TM - Volume

Squat (belted):
Warmup: 45x5; 95x5; 135x4; 185x3; 225x2; 255x1; 275x1
297.5x5; 297.5x5; 297.5x5; 297.5x5; 297.5x5
Felt like I was going to explode after every set, but... easy enough.

Bench Press:
Warmup: 45x5; 75x5; 105x4; 125x3; 145x2
162.5x5; 162.5x5; 162.5x5; 162.5x5; 162.5x5
FINALLY. Pinkies barely touched inner edges of the ring.

Bent-over Rows:
Warmup: 45x5; 95x5; 125x4; 145x3; 165x2
Shanker called me out on bad form, which was probably very deserved.
162.5x8; 162.5x8
Working my way up from here.

Ab rollers (from knees):
17; 17; 17
No comment.

I'm really tired.

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