Wednesday, July 28, 2010

JC (07/27&07/28) - RSP

July 27, 2010
RSP Upper Day 7

Military Press-
Work set-
165- 6x2
Easy peasy.

Bench Press-
Work set-
265- 5x2
265- 1x8
Decided to push myself on the last set, whereby the first 5 reps I know I did by myself, and supposedly the last 3 reps my spotter only pretended to help me (he probably did help a bit).

Barbell bicep curls-
55- 1x5
75- 5x6
Eh, just for kicks. I feel it helps me recover from my bench though.

Ab roller- 5x5

July 28, 2010
RSP Lower Day 8

Back Squat-
Work set-
285- 6x6!
This is sorta a PR, and pretty easy. Used a belt. Next week, intensity starts kicking up and I start off at 305 lbs for 5x5. I think this program is very well suited for squatting, but I don't think it transitions well for bench press and military press. I think another factor that does not help is that I may have set my 1 RM too high for these latter lifts. I shall see how I fare tomorrow.

Pull up @ BW + 30

Dumbbell Rows-
90- 3x5

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