Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Brian - Max Squat Triples (1/05)

Hey all! I haven't posted in a little while due to the craziness of end-of-semester + some holiday volunteering that took up 12 hours of every day + being away from my computer during vacation for 2 weeks.

But that doesn't mean I haven't been lifting! I worked volume with PBJ+Kik before leaving and at home I lifted with the wrestling team. I tried to keep things on schedule w/ our volume training but I also ended up doing some of their stuff (olympic lifts, 5x5 workouts, and tons of awful awful awful cardio intensity workouts).

Yesterday was the first day back to normal schedule. Max effort triples.

Warmup - 45x5, 135x5, 135x5
Working - 185x3 @6, 225x3 @7.5, 245x3 @8.5, 260x1, 260x3 @10 (3 rep PR)

First set at 260 failed pretty hard on rep 2. I think I'm not completely used to grinding out multiple heavy squats yet, but I'm getting better. On the second set I convinced myself that it was light enough to get it and the first 2 reps were solid. #3 was a bit ugly but I gutted it out. Felt nice to do multiple reps on the edge. Was a big mental step for me.

Rack Pulls, first peg;
Warmup - 135x5, 225x5
Working - 315x3 @6, 405x3 @7, 455x3 @8, 500x2 @10

Back fatigue on rep 3 of 500. I've never done rack pulls over 405 so getting something with a 5 in front of it was nice.

Pause Squats (3 count pause);
Working - 135x6, 165x6, 185x6

The 185 set was so satisfying. This was my best leg day maybe in forever. I think the 1 week break prior to starting back up really helped.

Today I'm going to the MIT wrestling club workouts for the first time. I'm a little worried about going at it with a really really tired lower back, but oh well. I might start working out with them Monday, Wednesday, and Friday if I like their practices. This will help me get ready for tournament season in march and it's great for endurance strength, power, and cardio.


  1. Nicely done, although seriously, we have to stop posting only when we hit PRs. That's not the point of logging workouts...

    Sucks that we're losing you to wrestling too. Keeping up a powerlifting program while wrestling full time is going to be pretty difficult.
