Monday, February 27, 2012

How to teach my team to train

Hey y'all. Most of my training logs have been going to my rugby team's new facebook group where people post their workouts. So far, it's obvious that few know what they are doing, and even the ones that do don't really have a plan, program, or goals. This also translates to coaching sometimes, where practices or drills aren't exactly designed with specific athletic objectives, other than 'fitness'. One example: sprints are never done with anything approaching full rest, so we never train speed, but 'sprint endurance'.

Anyway, I want to find some good articles to post about having goals for training, programming, workout structure, etc, to get the discussion going. Normally I cite Practical Programming or similar but no one will read that. Any favorite blog posts or articles the group would recommend?


  1. Do you have a link to said Facebook page? It helps to know what we're working with. Also, while I've never played rugby, it might be that "sprint endurance" is the proper thing to train.

    I don't have articles offhand, but I'll dig around a bit to see what I can come up with. Most of what I know is sort of "bro science" that I've cobbled together from articles, people, and just being around. It'll take me a little while to remember the sources.

  2. Well, here's one by Mike Robertson:
    A bit vague, but these were the kinds of articles I really liked reading when I was just starting out. Also, SMART = Specific, Measurable, ACTIONABLE (i.e. there is something you, personally, can do to reach it), Realistic, Timely, IIRC.

    And another, about programming:
    Everything up to the actual program itself is useful generic programming advice. I would add conditioning/cardio work after Iron, but there might be a better article about that somewhere else.

  3. It's a private Facebook group, I don't know why. Power/lactic endurance is fine/necessary to train for sure, but not every drill should be structured like that. Thanks for the article, I'll check it out.

  4. Frank I invited you to the group so you can get a better idea.

  5. Yay! I am now part of an all woman's rugby team.
