Monday, May 23, 2011

Frank (5/23): Sheiko CMS/MS Prep 1, Week 2, Day 4

Military Press: 5x45, 5x95, 3x135, 5x155, 5x155, 5x155, 5x155, 5x155
Incline Bench: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 4x185, 4x185, 4x185, 4x185, 4x185, 4x185
Dip: 5x8 @ 45

Halting Deadlift
5x135, 5x225
4x315, 4x375, 3x440, 3x440
2x475 @ 7
2x475 @ 7
2x475 @ 7
2x475 @ 7
2x475 @ 7

Good Morning: 5x10 @ 135
Pullup: 2x8
Chest Supported Row: 2x8 @ 90
Dumbbell Preacher Curl: 8, 6 @ 45


  1. Regarding the elbow wraps...sure. I'm at home until Monday but I will try to coordinate a time at the gym with you (I'll be in Boston for one week before I head out to Chicago).

  2. OK. I'm planning to lift with some people at TPS Sunday morning, but beyond that, I'm going to be training at my normal hours (WF this week and MWF next week from roughly 7-9).
