Sunday, November 21, 2010


I am not a web developer, and my programming skills kind of suck. Still, I tried to make a few edits to the blog that I think will be helpful.
  1. I've added/edited some of the links on the sidebar.
  2. I've added a Google Calendar widget that will allow us to better coordinate training schedules (prowler pushing sessions, etc.), meets, and so on. To see it, scroll to the very bottom of the page. Try adding your own schedules so that we can start populating the thing. Please let me know if you think it will be useful. If not, I can always remove it.
Also, does anyone know of a better way to implement a calendar? I was hoping to find some way of embedding a calendar that everyone could edit without having to go over to Google Calendar which is, admittedly, kind of a pain in the butt.


  1. No comments on implementation yet, but fantastic idea Frank. I think everyone should use the calendar as much as possible.

  2. also about 99% sure the Z is closed on Thanksgiving.

  3. Thanks Brian. I also just realized that I have to actually invite you before you can edit the calendar. I am a genius. I've added everyone that's posted recently, but feel free to spread around the love.

    I modified my personal entries to note that I won't be in Cambridge over Thanksgiving, but in any case, the times and locations are meant to be sort of loose guidelines (i.e. if you are at the Z between 7 and 9 on Tue/Thu, there is a 95% chance that you will see me there).
