Saturday, November 13, 2010

Deirdre: bench volume 1

A pretty good volume day.

Bench: 45x6x2, 65x4, 75x4, 85x4
95x4 @ 8
105x4 @ F
95x4 @ 8
95x4 @ 8
95x4 @ 8.5
95x4 @ 8.5

Incline bench: 45x6x2
65x4 @ 8.5
75x4 @ 9
65x4 @ 8.5
65x4 @ 8
65x4 @ 7.5
65x4 @ 7.5

Overhead DB press:
20sx8, 25sx8x4

Lat pulldown:
50x8, 70x8x2, 80x8


  1. -- Are you training in addition to rugby, or instead? Is there some meet in the near horizon?

    -- Anyway, I think that you will enjoy RTS, especially after running this for a couple of cycles and making the necessary alterations.

    -- Also, if people tell you that incline presses are for bodybuilders / fitness / whatever, they are wrong. Assuming that you're pressing twice a week (like in RTS), and compete without a shirt, inclines are almost a necessity.

  2. I have been training with solely doing doing flat bench- am I taking away from my progress by not doing inclines?

  3. JC, if you are BENCH pressing once a week, it is quite possible that your routine doesn't have enough room for inclines. But if you have two slots, then placing 1-2 assistance exercises for the bottom part seems like the best thing to do. For me, it's incline barbell / DB press, or close-grip barbell / DB press. This is in addition to overhead / military press. Obviously, everything I wrote above is very general, so this is kind of generic advice (= try it and see if it works for you) and not "the absolute truth".

  4. Danny: This is the rugby off-season, thus my PL in-season. There is a meet Feb 12th that I am aiming for, which gives me about 2 mesocycles of RTS. This week, the volume has definitely been feeling good, as long as I actually let myself do volume and not try to push the intensity. After that meet it will be back to rugby until the summer/through the summer.

    I chose incline because it was a suggested supplement to bench :P. I definitely need more bottom work than lockout work, so for lockout days I will probably be doing close grip stuff.

  5. Ahh, I see... bottom work... I'll try it once I've been through 5/3/1 a coupla times.
