Sunday, November 21, 2010

Chris - 11/18, 11/20

11/18: 5/3/1 Deload, Bench Press
Bench Press:
65x5; 85x5; 95x3
65x5; 85x5; 95x5
95x10; 95x10; 95x10

Dumbbell Rows:
40x10; 60x5; 80x20

11/20: 5/3/1 Deload, Deadlift
140x5; 175x5; 210x3
140x5; 175x5; 210x5
192x10; 192x10; 192x10

Good Mornings:
45x5; 70x5; 95x5; 120x5; 135x5
145x10; 145x10; 145x10


I think it's a bit early to tell what does or doesn't work for me for 5/3/1. Considering switching bench press/military assistance to pyramiding sets, or even doing bonus sets of bench on military press days and vice versa, just so I can get more heavy-ish work in, but we'll see. And my squat and deadlift days wipe me out enough as is, so no planned changes there.

Planned jumps for next cycle, which might have to start after Thanksgiving:
Bench: 180.5lbs -> 185.5lbs (+5)
Squat: 385.0lbs -> 390.0lbs (+5)
Deadlift: 385.0lbs -> 395.0lbs (+10)
Military Press: 127.0lbs -> 132.0lbs (+5)

For training maxes of [166.95, 351, 355, 118.8]. Let's see how it goes.


  1. I think the consensus is more sets on 5/3/1 generally = good. My personal preference is to keep the additional volume <= my top set and do something like 3-4 additional sets.

    For instance last Thursday Bench day topped out at 240x4 then did 225x3 for 4 sets.

  2. How are those training maxes calculated?

  3. Take 90% of your "true" 1RM (180.5/385/385/127 in the last cycle) to get your training max. I used a conservative starting point for 5/3/1 (took 95% of my recorded maxes) but I should be back up to speed after a few cycles.
