Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chris - 10/4 to 10/9

Things I did this week:

10/5 Attempted a light volume day.
Squat: 45x5; 95x5; 135x4; 225x3; 275x2
285x5; 285x5; 285x5
No elbow pain!

Bench Press: 45x5; 70x5; 95x4; 120x3; 140x2
155x5; 155x5; 155x5
Minimal elbow pain!

Snatch (hurr):
Worked up to 115, called it a day. And minimal elbow pain.

10/6 Cardio
Two miles on treadmill.

10/7 "Recovery"
Squat: 45x5; 95x5; 135x4; 185x3
225x5; 225x5

Military Press: 45x5; 60x5; 75x4; 90x3; 115x2
120x3; 120x3; 120x3

+0x5; +25x5; +25x5; +0x8

10/8 General fucking around
Front Squat: 45x5; 75x5; 105x4; 135x3; 165x2
185x3; 185x3; 185x3; 185x3; 185x3

Snatch: 55x3; 55x3; 65x3; 65x3; 75x3; 80x3; 95x2; 115x1;
135x1 Aaaaand then I got tired.

10/9 More fucking around
Snatch (again) (kg): 25x3; 25x3; 30x3; 30x3;
40x3; 40x3; 45x2; 45x2

Snatch pulls (kg):
45x3; 55x3; 57.5x3

Back Squat: 45x5; 95x5; 135x4; 185x3; 225x2
275x5; 275x5; 275x5

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