Monday, August 23, 2010

Aaron (8/23)

Belted Deadlifts (dbl overhand): 365lbs x5 reps x3 sets (+5lbs PR)
Lunges: 95lbs x10 reps, 95lbs x7 reps
Chin-ups: 45lbs x5 reps, 50lbs x5 reps x2 sets (+5lbs PR)
Pull-ups at varying widths: 8 reps
Plate Pinches: four 5kg plates +25lbs x15s, x20s x2 sets
BB curls: 75lbs x8 reps x3 sets

Deadlifts were okay, I'm not scraping my shins because it hurts my shins when I do. I used to wear warm-ups and that ended up being fine, but I figure if I compete I'd have to wear a singlet so I better get used to it. I also hurt something in the piriformis area. It started hurting as I was doing lunges. I think I made my step too big so it was too much of a stretch. I did some overhead lunges and squats and there was no pain, but there is when I walk. I think it also might be my hip flexors, gotta stretch those. Chins were normal, I added the pull up sets so I could get more volume in, and so I could focus on technique and my back. It didn't work. Chins don't really do anything for my back. I'm going to have to video tape it to see if there is something wrong. My back should be bigger than it is. My biceps take the work of all the rowing movements too. I'm going to stick with the "add 100lbs to everything and tell me your back isn't bigger" thing, but if I deadlift 500 and chin +100lbs and my back isn't bigger, something is going to change. I added pullovers into my pressing rotation to help the motion of un-racking the bar during bench, and to get some lat iso work.

Plate pinches were almost a PR. I like them. For grip I also held the last rep of deads.

I think it was Glenn Pendlay who wrote somewhere to take a note of mental energy in the morning on a scale of 0-100. 75 being "hell yeah I'm going to SFW" and 25 being "man life sucks I, I can't move". Only lift when your above 50. What I might start doing is just taking note of my morning energy, but lifting even when life is full of suck, at least at first.

Oh, they told me to not make so much noise when deadlifting because it shook things. So I got really mad and yelled back at them and threw things until they kicked me out...Nope, I just looked at the dude and said "okay." Another dude overhead and started trying to side with me, to which I replied "well I still need to use their gym." I learned from last time.


  1. Nice. Good call. I used to be one of those people too (maybe I still am, you'd probably find a few who think that). Proud of you dude (sorry if that sounds corny).

  2. oh, and as for the mental energy thing, see my post today...

  3. And, on the bright side, even if they *do* see you breaking the rules, they're unlikely to mention it again. If, on the off chance, they do, practice learning a very contrite expression so you don't get in trouble, then find a new gym.

  4. Another practical solution to this kind of problems is to date the front desk girl (remark: no messy breakups). If she is hot, that's always a good idea, and otherwise, don't be selfish -- take one for team! This may be more tricky if there are more than one front desk girl (still ok if shifts are far apart) or if it's a front desk dude.
