Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Patrick: Intensity Squats and Summary

Hi everyone, obviously my first post so I'll start with today's lifts and then summarize the rest of my PRs from this intensity set for the record.

2@245 (short depth)
Here began my frustration with acceptable depth, probably because this is when everyone started watching. Although they weren't that hard, I was shy of parallel, so I repeated the sets.
1@247.5 (with belt)
This was the first time I got it actually parallel, with a strange number thanks to an extra 2.5 (thanks Kik).

1@260 (15 lb PR)
According to Nathan, I "fail where no one should fail." Go me.

Rack pulls
1@295 (20 lb PR) Although finished, I was massively rounded, and I definitely felt that when I stood up. Again, Nathan gets the quote, "you looked like you decided, 'oh, this is heavy,' and then picked it up."

This intensity set has been very productive so far, resulting in some very large improvements in PRs. I didn't really have a single deadlift record before, but the bench one is a clear improvement over struggling to get 135 once, even without a delay.
Bench 1@145, 2@140
Deadlift 1@275


  1. Welcome aboard P!

    Watch out for the spider in the sauna.

  2. Yeah, Jon with his long tentacles...

    These were 6 nice weeks of solid improvement. We are not done yet, Thursday will be another occasion where everybody can show how to strain...
