Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Frank (6/21): Sheiko CMS/MS Comp, Week 2, Day 2

I knew I had another engagement right after work, so I decided to train in the morning instead and do as much of this session as I could before work, then finish at night.

AM Session

5x135, 5x225
3x315, 3x380, 3x440, 3x440
3x505 @ 9
3x505 @ 9
3x505 @ 9+

10x45, 10x95
3x150, 3x180, 3x210, 3x210
3x240 @ 9
3x240 @ 9
3x240 @ 9+
3x240 @ 9+
3x240 @ 9+
My right elbow was really killing me. I also didn't arch at all (didn't even try, really...my back was too sore). On the bright side, I saw this Asian dude (not Chris) squatting 3+ plates for pretty solid sets of 5 and pressing 135+ again for solid sets of 5. He told me he was doing Starting Strength. Score one for the good guys. I also ran into Chris at like 7AM. Hi Chris.

Dumbbell Fly: 5x10 @ 35

PM Session

Halting Deadlift
5x135, 5x225, 3x315
3x345, 3x410
3x475 @ 9
3x475 @ 9
3x475 @ 10
3x475 @ 10

Good Morning: 3x10 @ 115

Then I ran out of time. Boo.


  1. Is the back pain getting any better since you hurt it? Are you icing/stretching/rolling?

  2. I haven't seen Chris more than twice in the past sixth months. Also, I almost did a muscle-up yesterday. I'm am going to get it soon.

  3. @B: It's not so much back pain as my back is just really sore. I don't think icing sore muscles helps much, but do high-rep round-back deadlifts and good mornings to get the blood flowing, which I find usually helps with soreness. I admit to being remiss about stretching and foam rolling outside of the gym.

    @G: I think Chris is committed to training in the morning, at least for the summer. Muscle ups are awesome. Were you trying on rings or on the pullup bars?

  4. @Frank: I'm doing them at the Z-center on the flat bar. Maybe there will be one thing that I am stronger at than Chris.

    @Chris: I always get super hungry when I lift for more than 30 minutes in the morning. Do you have this problem? What do you do?

  5. @Garrett: You're already a better all-around presser than I. :P

    Also, do you eat anything before lifting? If not, start. If yes, maybe skew the nutritional balance towards more complex carbs + protein?

    In addition: I just do my cardio in the morning. Lifting is in the afternoons (when I can lift again...) because afternoon cardio I have almost zero motivation/tolerance for.
