Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Chris - 7/27

TM - Volume (Deload)

Squat (unbelted):
Warmup - 45x5; 95x5; 135x4; 185x3
225x5; 225x5; 225x5; 225x5; 225x5
Tried hitting parallel instead of going completely ATG. I kept slipping down :(

Bench Press:
Warmup - 45x5; 75x5; 95x4; 115x3
135x5; 135x5; 135x5; 135x5; 135x5
Touch and go. Learned to press with the heel of my palm.

Bent-over Rows:
Warmup - 45x5; ~90x5; ~120x4
135x8; 135x8; 135x8

At Shanker's request...
Kroc Rows:
Right hand:
60x16; 60x16; 60x16
Left hand:
60x16; 60x16; 60x16
These are pretty hard. Potential replacement for the bent-over/Pendlay rows?

Ab Roller (from knees):
10; 10; 10

I'll have a small writeup on my first TM cycle up in a little bit.


  1. I think Krocs are a good replacement for Pendlay Rows since they are both horizontal pulling and let you heave big weight. The reason I haven't switched is because I'm still progressing on the BB rows, so I don't really need to.

  2. Great minds think alike. Also, theyre named for Kroc...seriously how can they be anything but good for you?

  3. Kroc Chins in case anyone is interested
