Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Brian - 2/23 Light Squats + Deadlift

45x10, 95x5, 135x5, 135x5, 185x2, 225x2, 225x1, 185x1, 185x1, 185x1

133x4, 133x4, 183x4, 183x2, 183x2, 183x2, 183x2

Just a bunch of light work today. Switched to singles on squats to practice commands. Tried to be as quick and explosive as possible. 225 was almost jumping off my shoulders :)

Feeling ready for the meet after taking the weekend off. Well, really I went skiing all weekend, which was quite the workout since I'm a beginner... but I still feel great.

Checked my weight before I went home on the locker room scale so that I could calibrate the home scale. Was 166.8 after lifting. Came home and ate/drank like normal - large dinner (lots of chicken, pasta, veggies, etc) and tons of fluid. Woke up 164.2; I feel like I could sell my metabolism to a girl somewhere for $1,000,000.


  1. know whats really awesome? having to sleep in 3 distinct places on your bed because you drench your sheets with sweat every night...

  2. not menopause, super pump 250:
