Sunday, April 3, 2011

Garrett 3/27 - 4/2

3/28 - Z-Center 6-8pm
BS(belt>225): 1x245,265,285,305,325 3x295(PR) 5x10x135(fast)
BP(wrist wraps) 8x2x225(PR) one of these was a set of three

3/31 - OHSquat(wrist wraps) 5x5x40kg
BS 1x285,315
BBRow: 5x6x140
LNGCU: 3x3x+10 8x+0
Dip(wrist wraps): 5x5x+90 (PR:2 of these were sets of 6)

BS: 3x295
BP: 8x2x225
Dip: 5x5x+90 6x+90

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