Monday, April 4, 2011

Frank (4/4): Squat, Volume 1

I spent the last week in NYC, where I generally eat well, but not nearly enough. I was feeling the low blood sugar effects during this workout.

Back Squat
5x45, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 3x275, 3x315
5x355 @ 9
5x355 @ 9+
5x355 @ 9+
5x355 @ 10-
The first set was good. I started doing good mornings on the second set. All were sunk to depth or, according to Garrett, too deep.

Mid Shinnish Pulls
5x135, 5x225, 5x315, 3x365, 3x405, 1x455, 1x495, 1x545
3x585 @ 9
3x585 @ 10-

Back Squat: 4x8 @ 225
Ab Rollout: 3x6
Good Morning: 2x15 @ 115

This is a good post by Paul Carter which describes how a person's training evolves as his training age grows. I, for one, know that I'm currently at one of the "hopping around" stages because I have been less than pleased with my progress over the past year despite being pretty consistent. Still, live and learn.

I'm going to roughly continue doing what I was doing for the past cycle, except that I'm going to replace the second-exercise assistance work for squat and bench (formerly pause squats and pause bench) with highish rep volume work to get in more reps. This is based on a suggestion I got from Adam Hires on the RawPL blog, though I guess I, too, am a little too arrogant to adapt things exactly as he suggests.

We'll see how this works at the next meet.

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