Sunday, April 3, 2011

Brian (4/2) - Sheiko37:w4d2

Weight is 167. Going back up. Sickness is just about gone. Feeling a lot better this day.

10x45, 5x140, 4x165, 3x195, 3x195
3x220 @8
3x220 @8+
2x235 @9
2x235 @9
2x235 @9
; 235 was my old 1RM - felt awesome to hit it for doubles 3 times, and they weren't too difficult. 1RM has probably gone up :)

5x185, 4x230, 4x280, 3x325, 3x325
3x370 @8
3x370 @8
2x395 @9
2x395 @9
2x395 @10

Deadlift improvements. Yayyy.

5x150, 5x180
4x205 @8
4x205 @9
4x205 @9+
4x205 @9

Honestly, the comeback bench was the hardest part of this workout. 4x4 @ 205 is brutal after the heavy bench and deadlift doubles. Ohhhh Sheiko.

After all of those failed workouts it was nice to have a good one. I needed it mentally. Last day of this Sheiko cycle is on Monday. I'm considering deloading this week and maxing on the weekend. Not sure where to go from here yet.