Monday, April 11, 2011

Frank (4/11): Squat, Volume 2

Back Squat
5x45, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 3x275, 3x315
4x365 @ 8
4x375 @ 9
4x385 @ 9+
4x395 @ 10
The first three sets were pretty good with minimal form breakdown. I good morninged the third rep on the last set a little and the bar slipped. The fourth rep basically ended up being a round-back good morning. It's a good thing my back is so strong. Still, I felt pretty good afterward, all things considered.

Deficit Deadlift (Red + Black)
5x135, 5x225, 5x315, 3x365, 3x405, 1x455
2x495 @ 9+
RDLs: 2x8 @ 315
My stomach was feeling a little queasy about half way through the warmups. It went away during the RDLs without me doing anything else. Maybe it was something I ate.

Back Squat: 4x8 @ 225
Good Morning: 2x15 @ 115
Ab Rollout: 3x6


  1. I like that "good morning" is now a verb, describing when you get too far bent over in a squat, as in "Frank good morninged that last rep"

  2. Well, we make verbs out of squatting and deadlifting, so I see no problem with verbing more obscure exercises :).
