Monday, April 11, 2011

Garrett 4/10-4/16

4/11 - Z Center 6:30-7:30pm
Overhead Squat: 2x4x55kg (PR)
Clean: 1x75kg (PR)
L wide grip pull ups: 33 in 6 sets
Some more cleans, snatches, overhead squats and front squats, not to failure, but I was sweating

The clean at 75kg was very easy, but my  form on the catch was super shitty, and I am afraid I will hurt my wrists if I don't learn how to catch properly near my max in cleans.  I guess that's one of the reasons I never tried heavier than 70kg before now.

I think incorporating barbell rows into my workouts is paying off.  Even if I have to do a little less volume in squats and deadlifts to accommodate the strain that BB rows cause, I think they are making me stronger overall.  

4/13 - Z Center 4:30-5:30
Back Squat: 5x10x145
Dips: 89 reps in 6 sets
Barbell Row: 45kg 80 reps in 9 sets

4/14 - Z-Center 7-8pm
Jerk(wrist wraps): 5x135,145,155,165 4x175 (PR) Fx195 8x135
Windmill: 3x30/0 3x30/30 3x30/45 5x30/45
Neutral grip chin-up: 4x5x+25 4x+45

4/16 Z Center 2-3:30pm
BB Row: 2x5x110 5x121 5x132 3x5x121 5x132
OHP: 5x95 2x3x115 1x140,150 12x100 2x145

+2 Softball games and 3 trips to work on bicycle

bodyweight 162
PRs this week

Overhead Squat: 2x4x55kg
Clean: 1x75kg
Jerk: 4x175

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