Thursday, March 17, 2011

Keone 3/17

Overhead press
106.5 x 5, 4, 4 (unbelted)

Power clean
138x5 x 3 (blue + 2.5 lbs)

275 x 5
312.5 x 5
312.5 x 2 (bar slipped)
225 x 5
275 x 3
312.5 x 5 (not quite to parallel)
312.5 x 5 (I think these were better)

Arms hurt right now.

Tuan: OHP 70x5x3, curls, Squat 165x5x3

Edit: will videotape next time to check depth.


  1. Going up in squats by 7.5 this time?
    When's the last time you pressed?

  2. i was gonna go up by 5, but tuan was messing around and whipped out my 1.25 lb plates to complete the stack (since it was one of every weight).

    might repeat that weight next time I go heavy, with attention to form (and videotaping).

    you're right, it's been a while since I did workout B due to bet preparation. my OHP and PC are suffering a bit but I'm not majorly concerned. back on track now.
