Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Testing powerlfiting total

I decided to test how much I could total on the squat, bench press, and deadlift in the same day.

I hit a 295 squat and then a 315 squat with depth an inch or two below parallel.  315 was good form, but very hard, so I decided to stop.

I hit a 235 and then a 245 paused bench.  I was pretty happy with this.

I got a 375 deadlift and then missed 395.  This was disappointing, but my back feels good today, so I'm glad I didn't push this.  There is always next time.

So, I got a 935 total.  I think I would be good for 955 easy if I had rested the day before, paid more attention to my diet beforehand, and gotten a couple of good nights of sleep.  Probably 970 if I had started creatine 7- 10 days in advance.  I'll have to get stronger/better to get over 1,000 though, which has been one of my major goals for training for past few years.


  1. Nice total, Garrett. Didn't you pull 405 at one point?

  2. Good job Garrett.I remember back when 225 was your goal for bench. Good stuff.

  3. I've pulled 6x1x405 9/20/2011 and 425 on 4/17/2011. I haven't been deadlifting too much in the past 4 months or so as I have been spending more time and energy on cleans and snatches. I think that the olympic lifting has fucked up my deadlift form a little. I'll try to put more energy into heady deadlifts and hopefully I can push this back up. All in all though, even at 375 pounds, my deadlift is decent and I'm trying to worry about doing a bodyweight snatch, a muscle up, or a squat in the ~340 range, none of which I have done before. I'm confident that I'll be able to get back to 405 at least in the deadlift, since I've done it before.
