Friday, January 6, 2012

Brian (1/5)

Last day of first cycle, 3-rep week.

135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 255x3, 290x3, 330x6

I'm not very good at doing high rep deadlift. I've watched Shanker in the past, and currently I've been trying to pay a lot of attention to Frank, and it seems that these guys (who are good deadlifters and frequently pull high reps) spend microseconds on the ground between sets. There's a fine line between bouncing off the ground and waiting too long, and they seem to be right in the middle. I can't seem to do this, even at low weights. So I end up completely resetting between every rep. This is time consuming and tiring. On heavy weights it feels suboptimal. I don't really know how to 'fix it' yet.

Front Squat 5x5 @ 50kg
Dumbell Lunge 3x5 @ 50lb
Box Squat 45x5, 135x5, 185x5, 205x5, 225x5
Good Morning 3x10 @ 45

Haven't squatted in a while. Wanted to get some fast, explosive squats in.


  1. I wouldn't be too concerned with it. The reason deadlift rep percentages are higher (for instance your 10 rm is roughly 75% of a 1 rm for squat/bench, its probably closer to 80% of a 1rm for deadlift) is because there's no stretch reflex for a single deadlift.

    But to answer your question, you're probably not capturing enough of the eccentric portion of the deadlift through your hamstrings. Think of loading them on the way down like stretching out a rubber band. Don't simply collapse down after you reach the top, keep your lower back tight and initiate the eccentric portion by pushing your hips back, instead of simply releasing from your low back.

  2. That's pretty much how I do it also. I usually end up pushing my hips back to lower the bar, but they end up a bit high, so I drop them slightly to get back into position before doing the next rep. The most important thing is for the bar to end up in the right place relative to your shins. The rest can be wriggled into position.

  3. Thanks a lot guys, I'll try this on my next deadlift day.
