Tuesday, April 5, 2011

JC (05/04)- Bench

Haven't posted in a while, mostly because I haven't been lifting consistently (yes, big surprise).

45 min jogging
Very tiring.

Warm ups
Not too bad I suppose for first benching session in more than a month. Goal is to hit 20 reps, then increase 20 rep goal by 5-10 lbs. Won't try maxing out till I can hit 250 for 20 reps. Eric Lilliebridge does 315 for 20 reps like its cake, and it translates well into his 1 rep max. So, essentially, I'm basing my strength gains on rep PRs (kinda like Wendler I guess)

45- 3x5

Ab work


  1. Just because $plan works well for $big_lifter doesn't necessarily mean it'll work well for you.

  2. Yeah, you should really read my link to Paul Carter's post about training age. Basically, what works for an advanced lifter probably won't work for a more novice one. Still, I won't dissuade you from giving it a shot.

  3. There might be a problem of causality, where someone can do 20 reps of $low_weight because he can do max singles at a much higher weight so that $low_weight feels like cake. However, I do agree that varying the volume up might be a nice change if you feel like you're stuck.

    And I'll shut up now since you're a lot stronger than me. :P

  4. I agree with Keone. When my max was 350, I did 20 reps for 225(about a year ago), and I never did high rep training after that (no more than 6 reps for training set); recently when I max grow up to 365, I did 24 reps for 225.
    On the other hand, when I first started to workout, I did bodybuilding kind of training, and I had a lot high reps bench press, (mostly between 8 to 15 reps) and my max for bench stuck at about 300 for more than two years. (Although works for me from 185 to 300 in the first two and half years).
    Anyway, you can try that to see if this method still works for you right now, when it stops growing, then it's time to switch to new routine.

  5. Interesting. I guess I will try to build my foundation up again with some high-rep volume work for the next couple of weeks, then switch into higher intensity. Also, I'm not trying to do exactly what Eric Lilliebridge does- someone who can bench 300 for 20 reps is a hella lot stronger than someone that can do 225 for 20 reps, etc.
